Blocking a profile completely prevents viewing and interaction between your profile and the profile you are blocking. Specifically, blocking a profile:
- Removes the blocked profile from Discover, Nearby, Search, Inbox and Favorites
- You may need to refresh the grid in order to remove a blocked profile from your view
- Removes YOUR profile from their Discover, Nearby, Search, Inbox and Favorites
- Un-shares your Private Album, if you have shared it with that profile
- Prevents the blocked profile from sharing their Private album with you
- Prevents the blocked profile from rating their interest in meeting you
- Prevents the blocked profile from messaging you, and vice versa. (This also permanently clears your conversation history with the blocked profile, but this member will be able to view your conversation history again should you later unblock them.)
SCRUFF Pro Enhancements to Blocks/Hides
More blocks. SCRUFF Free members can hide or block up to 150 profiles. SCRUFF Pro members can hide or block up to 5,000 profiles
Block a profile
- View the member's profile.
- Tap the report icon in the upper-right corner.
- Tap Block in the menu that appears.
Manage or remove a blocked profile
You can view and manage the profiles you have hidden or blocked via Manage Hides/Blocks
- Tap Account > Settings > Manage Hides/Blocks.
- To un-hide / un-block a profile, simply tap on its entry in the list
- To un-hide / un-block all profiles, tap Options, then tap Clear All in the menu that appears

Blocks share the same limit, and are not visually differentiated in Manage Hides/Blocks.