Profile Photo Filtering

Profile Photo Filtering

Profile Photo Filtering

You can filter your Nearby grid based on whether and what type of profile photo a member has uploaded. There are three settings:

  • Unset (default) - Profiles are not filtered based on profile photo
  • Any Photo - Only presents profiles that have a photo of any kind **
  • Face Pic - Only presents profiles that have a photo indicated by the member as being a face pic (in the Profile Editor)

** Available to SCRUFF Pro members only


To apply the Photo filter

  • in iOS
  1. Open the Filters Menu and tap Photo. You will be presented with a selector with available settings
  2. Select the desired filter setting
  3. Tap Done when finished. You will be returned to the Filters Menu. The filter will be updated to indicate your setting
  4. To apply the filter**, tap anywhere over the visible row of profile thumbnails
  • in Android (filter by Face Pic only)
    1. Open the Filters Menu
    2. Check the Face Pic box
    3. To apply the filter**, tap anywhere over the visible row of profile thumbnails or scroll down and tap Apply Filter 

** You can set additional searches and filters prior to applying this filter. Multiple filter and search parameters will be applied in concert (logical AND relationship)

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