Disappearing photos and videos

Disappearing photos and videos

About disappearing photos and videos

Share photos and videos that will disappear after one view, or you can share them normally to keep them in chat. 

  • Keep in mind that you can't view disappearing photos or videos once you have sent them.
  • Your disappearing photos and videos can only be viewed once by the recipient. 
  • To protect the privacy of our members, screenshots of photos in chat and private albums have been disabled.


How do I send disappearing photos and videos?

From camera roll or SCRUFF albums

  1. Tap the gallery/photo icon from the chat bar.
  2. Tap Camera Roll, Recent or Albums.
    • Free members select a photo or video
    • Pro members can select up to 10 photos and videos
  3. Tap the send button and then Send disappearing.

From the camera

  1. Tap the camera icon from the chat bar.
  2. Take a photo or video.
  3. Tap Send disappearing.

For more details on sending photos and videos in chat, visit chat features.


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