Privacy Settings

Privacy Settings

The Privacy Settings menu can be found using the following steps:


  1. Launch SCRUFF
  2. Tap Menu
  3. Tap Settings
  4. Scroll down and tap Privacy Settings
      • Stealth - Viewers, Enable/Disable Startup Password (Fingerprint if supported by device)
      • Notifications & Alerts - Fewer alerts, Overnight
      • Limit Details - Hide preview, Age and / or Distance on profile
      • Limit Insights - Hide Insights from profile
      • Venture - Auto-Trips and Travel indicator
  • Toggle any option to enable / disable the features in the following categories:


  1. Launch SCRUFF
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Scroll down and tap Privacy Settings
  • Toggle any option to enable / disable the features in the following categories:
  • Stealth - Viewers, Enable/Disable Touch ID
  • Notifications & Alerts - Alerts, Overnight, Preview
  • Limit Details - hide Age and / or Distance on profile
  • Limit Insights - Hide Insights from profile
  • Venture - Auto-Trips and Travel indicator

Windows Phone

  1. Launch SCRUFF
  2. Swipe to the More grid
  3. Tap Settings
  4. Tap Profile Editor
  5. Scroll down and tap Privacy Settings
  • Tap any option to enable / disable the features in the following categories:
  • SCRUFF Pro Settings
  • Notifications
  • Limit Details
  • Limit Insights
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