Your Recent album

Your Recent album

SCRUFF keeps a list of recently sent photos and videos from all of your devices, so you can send your favorites in chat even faster.
Free members can send the last two recently sent photos or videos. Subscribe to SCRUFF Pro to send unlimited recent photos and videos.
For more on using your recent album, see the following topics:

Send content from your Recent album

  1. Tap the albums icon from the chat bar above the keyboard.
  2. Tap Recent from source list.
  3. Tap a thumbnail to select one (non-Pro members) or up to 10 (Pro members) photos/videos.
  4. Press the Send button when you are ready to send your content.

View your Recent album

  1. Tap the Account icon (top menu bar), then tap Albums.
  2. On the My Albums screen, tap Recent.

Captions, save or move photos & videos

Add or edit a caption, save or move photos/videos in your Recent album
  1. Tap the Account icon (top menu bar), then tap Albums
  2. On the My Albums screen, tap Recent.
  3. Tap the thumbnail of the photo that you wish to edit.
  4. Tap Menu or long-press on the full-size photo:
    1. Tap Caption to add or edit a caption on your photo
    2. Tap Save to Device to save the photo to your device's photos app (you may only save your own photos to your device)
    3. Tap Move to Other Album to move your photo to another SCRUFF album

Delete photos & videos

Delete photos and videos in your recent album
  1. Tap the Account icon (top menu bar), then tap Albums.
  2. On the My Albums screen, tap Recent.
  3. Tap (X) on the photo thumbnail, then tap Confirm Delete.

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